Selling on wall-lake rule and fees


Rules and procedures:


1) Create a word-html file of what you are selling, include price, description, pictures, and contact information.  There is no limit to what you can say but the file should be no bigger than 1mb.  Use low resolution pictures. 


2) Send file to for approval.


3) Upon approval send agreed fee thru Paypal to

       How to Paypal?


4) Watch your item sell!





Home page listing 9.00/month


Rentals  8.00/2 months

Property listing 20.00


Boats & Motors

  Value  $0-1000                    4.00 per item until sells

             $1,000-5,000           5.00

             $5,001-20,000         7.00

              over 20,001           10.00



Value    $0-1000                     3.00 per item until sells

             $1,000-5,000            4.00

             $5,001-20,000          5.00

              over 20,001              8.00